
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Loving & Being Loved

I think it's important for people to feel good about themselves. I don't understand why others enjoy putting people down, ridiculing, beating, taunting's cruel. It's bullying. What good can come from that? We've all seen the negative effects. Some people are pushed too far to the extent of killing their abuser.
When i was young I was bullied often. I was a heavy set child with a lot of anger and built-in frustration issues that developed at home and only continued in school. Thankfully, I was not scared to punch a bitch. People could only verbally and mentally hurt me. Of course my emotions took the beating, and in turn their bodies answered for it. I wasn't scared to fight, boy or girl. I think because of my large size and my ability to fight back in some way at least people eventually backed off. Not everyone is lucky to have these situations resolve.
What kind of sick pleasure or comfort do people seek in return from hurting someone else? Why would you have to feast on another's sorrow in order to gain some kind of release? When I would witness someone trying to taunt another I would step in. Normally. Here and there I would get a thank you, but most often it was a "Why did you do that?" I didn't care if they appreciated it. I simply did not feel comfortable witnessing that. If they had a problem they could fight me, but no one ever did.
Personally, I get off by making people feel happy, joyful, even if it is subconsciously. My smile alone can be so uplifting. My hugs can be so comforting. I've received numerous compliments of gratitude from those around me. I've been told I can genuinely brighten up a person's spirit. If such simple acts can do so much good, imagine what we could achieve as a whole when we go even further by reaching out with a helping hand. It doesn't take much energy or effort to be nice, to be considerate of the other person, to be a decent person.
I live my days always trying to be positive. If not for someone else, then for myself. I'm not religious. I don't know if I'm set on the whole God, heaven, hell, Satan thing. All i know is that I am blessed. I am blessed to have been given these experiences and the support to overcome them. I am blessed to have grown and learned from them in such a way that I can in turn give back. I feel that despite the sinner I am, I am a kind-hearted person who is overall good. I hope people can realize the damage that is done by attacking another person. So many are effected, so few are saved. For the bullies out there, what can you really say about yourself? Do u feel good?
Bullying can have a life-long affect. I won't deny that to this day I struggle to overcome those same negative thoughts seeded into my mind in gradeschool, jr high, and throughout high school. It's important I continuously remind myself that FUCK 'EM. I know who I am. I know what I'm not. I know they are wrong. If you notice someone insecure, someone going through a hard time, all you have to do is smile, open your arms wide, hug them and hold it for a minimum of seven seconds. Hug them tightly, don't be scared or worried or think it awkward. Tell them softly you are glad to see them today, that you hope they have a FABULOUS fucking day, because they are fabulous, and you are there for them if they choose to seek you out.
As for you, have a fucking amazing time today! Be yourself, dont give mind to those that are hating on you. They probably need a hug and a smile. If willing, do it, give it to them. Make sure to strut your stuff ;)


  1. u have a great heart. just know

    1. Thank you! :) I just have a great family and group of friends that have helped me grow into who i am and what I represent. I appreciate your opinion too!

  2. just know when your feeling down and blue, u have a friend here that will be here for u. at anytime morning night doesn't matter


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